Blair County Common Pleas
Court Type: | Common Pleas |
State: | PA |
County: | Blair |
Street Address: | 423 Allegheny St. |
City: | Hollidaysburg |
Zip Code: | 16648 |
Phone: | 814-693-3050 |
Hours: | Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 4:00PM |
Website URL: | |
Judge: | Hon. Elizabeth A. Doyle |
Judge Phone: | 814-693-3065 |
Clerk: | Robin G. Patton |
Clerk Phone: | 814-693-3080 |
Clerk Fax: | 814-317-1600 |
Parking: | Kindly park in the designated area at the Duncansville Antique Depot, behind the Duncansville First Commonwealth Bank, 1401 Second Avenue, Duncansville. The entrance is opposite the Ace Hardware. |
Public Transportation: | A van/bus will shuttle you to and from the Courthouse, beginning one hour before your reporting time. |
Restrictions: | Shorts and tank tops are excluded. |
Jury Service: | |
Languages: | Multiple |
Email: | |
ADA: | Nicole Smith |
ADA Phone: | 814-693-3050 |
ADA Fax / Email: | |
Wikipedia: | |