Lebanon County Court

Court Type:Magisterial
Street Address:400 South 8th Street
Zip Code:17042
Phone:(717) 228-4440
Fax:(717) 228-4457
Hours:8:30AM-4:30PM (M-F)
Website URL:http://www.lebcounty.org/depts/Court_System/Pages/default.aspx
Judge:John C. Tylwalk
About / Additional Info:The office of the District Court Administrator was created in 1974 to reduce the burden of administrative duties of the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas. The District Court Administrator's Office provides technical assistance and administrative support to the various departments of the Court. Other Court business that involves this office includes receiving applications for the 10% Bail Program, personnel, fiscal operations, budget, jury management, scheduling, public relations, and liaison functions with various groups and agencies.