Mifflin County Common Pleas

Court Type:Common Pleas
Street Address:20 N. Wayne St.
Zip Code:17044
Hours:Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 4:30PM
Website URL:http://www.pacourts.us/courts/courts-of-common-pleas/individual-county-courts/mifflin-county
Judge:Hon. David W. Barron
Judge Phone:717-248-4613
Clerk:Tammy Stuck
Clerk Phone:717-248-8146
Clerk Fax:717-248-5275
Clerk Email:tstuck@mifflinco.org
Parking:Parking is available in the public lot at the Mifflin County Library and ona first-come, first-served basis on the North Wayne Street side of the Courthouse AnnexBuilding (formerly ACS World).
Restrictions:T-shirts, athletic apparel, shorts, tank tops and flipflop sandals are not permitted.
Forms & Filing:http://www.co.mifflin.pa.us/dept/Prothonotary/Pages/Forms.aspx
Dockets / Schedule / Calendar:http://www.co.mifflin.pa.us/dept/Courts/Documents/2022%20Annual%20Court%20Calendar.pdf
Jury Service:http://www.co.mifflin.pa.us/dept/Courts/Pages/Jury-FAQs.aspx
ADA:Christine L. Wolfkiel
ADA Phone:717-248-4613
ADA Fax / Email: cwolfkiel@co.mifflin.pa.us
About / Additional Info:Courts of Common Pleas are Pennsylvania’s general trial courts. These courts are organized into judicial districts, generally following the geographic boundaries of the State’s counties. The Court Administrator's Office is the administrative arm of the Court and is responsible for all support functions necessary to maintain the efficient and effective operation of both the Common Pleas Court and the Minor Judiciary. The Mifflin County Court Administrator's Office administers and supervises the Mifflin County office of the Magisterial District Judges, Probation and Parole, and Domestic Relations Section.