Tioga County Common Pleas Court
Court Type: | Common Pleas |
State: | PA |
County: | Tioga |
Street Address: | 118 Main St. |
City: | Wellsboro |
Zip Code: | 16901 |
Phone: | 570-723-8380 |
Fax: | 570-723-1633 |
Hours: | Monday - Friday 8:00AM - 4:30PM |
Website URL: | http://www.pacourts.us/courts/courts-of-common-pleas/individual-county-courts/tioga-county |
Judge: | Hon. George W. Wheeler |
Judge Phone: | 570-724-9380 |
Clerk: | Marie Y. Seymour |
Clerk Phone: | 570-724-9281 |
Clerk Fax: | 570-724-2986 |
Clerk Email: | mseymour@tiogacountypa.us |
Parking: | Juror parking is available on both sides of Main Street in front of the courthouse, in the parking lot behind the courthouse, and on Water Street , which runs behind the courthouse parking lot. |
Restrictions: | Jurors will be required to pass through a security checkpoint to gain entry to the courthouse. This checkpoint includes a metal detector, so jurors are advised to refrain from carrying any unnecessary metal objects, especially pocket knives. Also, jurors are advised that they will not be allowed to bring cellular telephones into the courthouse. |
Forms & Filing: | http://www.tiogacountypa.us/Court_of_Common_Pleas/Court_Administration/Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx |
Jury Service: | http://www.tiogacountypa.us/Court_of_Common_Pleas/Court_Administration/Pages/JuryServices.aspx |
Languages: | Multiple |
Email: | webmaster@tiogacountypa.us |
Linkedin: | https://www.linkedin.com/in/marie-seymour-51b163a0/ |
ADA: | Randi L. Bubb |
ADA Phone: | 570-723-8191 |
ADA Fax / Email: | rbubb@tiogacountypa.us |