Warren County Common Pleas Court
Court Type: | Common Pleas |
State: | PA |
County: | Warren |
Street Address: | 204 4th Ave. |
City: | Warren |
Zip Code: | 16365 |
Phone: | 814-728-3530 |
Fax: | 814-728-3452 |
Hours: | Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:30PM |
Website URL: | http://www.pacourts.us/courts/courts-of-common-pleas/individual-county-courts/warren-county |
Judge: | Hon. Maureen A. Skerda |
Judge Phone: | 814-728-3530 |
Clerk: | Jennifer Phillips |
Clerk Phone: | 814-728-3440 |
Clerk Fax: | 814-728-3459 |
Restrictions: | Weapons are not permitted in any Court building. Smartphones, cellphones, cameras or electronic devices are permitted in the buildings but not in a Courtroom. |
Forms & Filing: | https://warrenforestcourt.org/forms/ |
Divisions / Services: | https://www.warrencountypa.gov/1213/Court-Departments |
Dockets / Schedule / Calendar: | https://warrenforestcourt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/01/court_calendar_2021.pdf |
Jury Service: | https://warrenforestcourt.org/faqs/ |
Languages: | Multiple |
ADA: | Linda Critzer |
ADA Phone: | 814-728-3531 |
ADA Fax / Email: | lcritzer@warren-county.net |
About / Additional Info: | the Court of Common Pleas of the 37th Judicial District consists of Warren and Forest Counties, situated in northwestern Pennsylvania. The 37th Judicial District was formed in 1874 from the counties of Warren, Forest and Elk. In 1883 Elk County was separated from the District leaving the counties of Warren and Forest. Each county maintains a separate Courthouse and filing system. However, the Judges for both counties maintain their offices in the Warren County Courthouse. The Judges travel to the Forest County Courthouse to conduct proceedings there as needed. |
Wikipedia: | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Warren_County_Courthouse_(Pennsylvania) |