Westmoreland County Common Pleas Court
Court Type: | Common Pleas |
State: | PA |
County: | Westmoreland |
Street Address: | 2 N. Main St. |
City: | Greensburg |
Zip Code: | 15601 |
Phone: | 724-830-3828 |
Fax: | 724-830-3680 |
Hours: | Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 4:00PM |
Website URL: | http://www.pacourts.us/courts/courts-of-common-pleas/individual-county-courts/westmoreland-county |
Judge: | Hon. Rita Donovan Hathaway |
Judge Phone: | 724-853-2141 |
Clerk: | Megan A. Loughner |
Clerk Phone: | 724-830-3734 |
Clerk Fax: | 724-850-3979 |
Clerk Email: | megan@meganloughner.com |
Parking: | There is parking available at the Robert Bell garage one block behind the courthouse; The cost is $1 per hour. You may pay for your parking at the elevator with cash or card. If you would like to pay at the gate you can, but only with a credit card. Also, there are three metered lots on Maple Ave with 10-hour meters. You will need $9.00 in quarters to park there. There are several metered lots and spaces throughout the city, but many of them only offer a 2-hour time limit. Please DO NOT park at a 2-hour meter. |
Restrictions: | Shorts, mini skirts, tank tops and halter tops are not permitted. Cell phones and pagers are also permitted, but must be turned off when entering a courtroom. |
Forms & Filing: | https://www.co.westmoreland.pa.us/326/Forms---Civil |
Jury Service: | https://www.co.westmoreland.pa.us/1025/Juror-Services |
Languages: | Multiple |
Email: | bmccabe@damdpc.com |
Facebook: | https://www.facebook.com/MeganALoughner/ |
Linkedin: | https://www.linkedin.com/in/meganloughner/ |
ADA: | Pam Neiderhiser |
ADA Phone: | 724-830-3832 |
ADA Fax / Email: | |
Special Access: | Limited handicapped parking is available in the Bell garage. |
Wikipedia: | https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Westmoreland_County_Courthouse |