Upper Merion

Court Type:Magisterial
Street Address:168 Allendale Rd
City:King of Prussia
Zip Code:19406
Phone:(610) 265-3950
Fax:(610) 265-8932
Website URL:https://www.philadelphiacriminalattorney.com/montgomery-county/magisterial-district-courts/38-1-09/
Judge:William Maruszczak
About / Additional Info:Magisterial District Court 38-1-09 is located in King of Prussia, which took its name from an 18th century local tavern named the King of Prussia Inn. The election districts covered within this Magisterial District Court are West Conshohocken Borough, Upper Merion Township’s Voting Districts Gulph 1 and 2, King 1 and 2, Roberts, Swedeland and Swedesburg.