Upper Moreland

Court Type:Magisterial
Street Address:102 York Road
City:Willow Grove
Zip Code:19090
Phone:(215) 659-6840
Fax:(215) 659-6903
Website URL:https://www.philadelphiacriminalattorney.com/montgomery-county/magisterial-district-courts/38-2-08/
Judge:Jay S. Friedenberg
About / Additional Info:Magisterial District Court 38-2-08 is in Willow Grove, located in Philadelphia’s north suburbs. The election districts covered within this Magisterial District Court are Bryn Athyn Borough, Lower Moreland Township, and Upper Moreland Township’s Voting Districts 1-1, 1-2, 3-1, 4-1, 4-2, 6-1 and 6-2.